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Tag Archives: Australian News

November 15, 2024

The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) recently introduced two new initiatives aimed at supporting overseas-born nursing and midwifery graduates and applicants in the skills assessment process.

Gradready: Fast-Tracking Modified Skills Assessment
Launched on November 8, 2024, the Gradready initiative allows overseas-born nursing and midwifery graduates who have completed their education in Australia to apply for a Modified Skills Assessment as soon as they finish their course requirements. With Gradready, applicants can enter the ANMAC queue for assessment while they await registration from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Once AHPRA registration is granted, the assessment process with ANMAC can be quickly finalized, expediting pathways to professional practice.

Gradready Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Applicants must have submitted an AHPRA registration application and will need to provide their application date in the Modified Assessment form.
  2. Applicants must be residing in Australia.

Please note that while the Modified Assessment application can be submitted, it will not be finalized until ANMAC receives the official AHPRA certificate of registration.

GuideME: Expert Guidance for Applicants
Another recent launch, on November 1, 2024, the GuideME initiative offers personalized support for applicants, migration agents, and employers navigating the skills assessment process. For a fee of $195 AUD, individuals can schedule a 30-minute phone consultation with an ANMAC expert, gaining valuable, tailored insights to enhance their application readiness and compliance.

For more information on both initiatives, visit the ANMAC website.

November 15, 2024

South Australia’s 2024-2025 General Skilled Migration Program has experienced unprecedented levels of Registration of Interest (ROI) applications for the following occupations:

  • Chef 
  • Motor Mechanic (General) 
  • Enrolled Nurse 

With interest so high, Skilled & Business Migration (SBM) is advising current and prospective applicants for these occupations to consider exploring alternative visa options, such as SBM’s DAMA Program. Clients can discuss visa options with their current employer and migration agent.

Currently, the number of ROI’s submitted exceeds the quota available to SBM. 

SBM will continue to send invitations to clients living and working in South Australia on a weekly basis across all available occupations. 

October 21, 2024
October 21, 2024

The Occupation Shortage List (OSL) was established in mid-October 2024 provides an overview of shortage status of occupations in the Australian labour market, by each state and territory.

The OSL this year 2024 was released with 4-digit ANZSCO Level (Unit Group) or the 6-digit ANZSCO level (Occupations)

According to the 2024 OSL,  Key Findings and Insights Report showed a persistent shortage in 2021-2024 in Managers (Business), Professionals (Business, ICT, Cyber security), Community and Personal Service Workers (Social Work) and Technicians occupations.

And the Top industries under pressure of shortage are:

  • Construction
  • Mining
  • Healthy Care and Social Asstance
  • Other Services
  • Education and Training
  • Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Administrative and Support Services
  • Transport, Postal and Warehousing
  • Public Administration and Safety
  • Information Media and Telecommunications
  • Retail Trade
  • Arts and Recreation Services
  • Financial and Insurance Services
  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
  • Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services

October 8, 2024

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand have announced that while they will continue to maintain comparability, each country will now introduce their own tailored occupational classifications. This move marks a shift from the joint Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) established in 2006.

What’s Changing?

Australia will introduce the new Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA), 2024, with the first version being released on 6 December 2024.

New Zealand will implement its tailored list starting 20 November 2024, designed to better reflect its modern labour market.

A Unified Approach with Individual Focus Australian Statistician Dr. David Gruen and New Zealand Government Statistician Mr. Mark Sowden have emphasised the importance of maintaining Trans-Tasman and international comparability while also adapting to each country’s evolving labour markets.

What This Means:

For Australia: The new classification will be tailored to the needs of the Australian labour market, ensuring that local changes are accurately represented while still supporting Trans-Tasman data comparisons.

For New Zealand: The new list will reflect the country’s unique labour market dynamics while maintaining crucial comparability with Australia.

The agencies will develop concordances to map between classifications, ensuring data continuity and consistent time-series analysis across both countries.

For more details, check out: https://www.abs.gov.au/about/consultation-and-conferences/updating-anzsco/about-osca

October 7, 2024
October 7, 2024

The Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) will commence operation on Monday, 14 October 2024 and it will replace the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). To assist with the transition the Administrative Review taskforce have developed a factsheet which provides information about the new Tribunal and what it means for people who are seeking review of decisions, or have current matters in the AAT. Members are encouraged to distribute the factsheet to their clients and colleagues. Download the factsheet.

September 28, 2024

On 27 September 2024, the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) made an announcement regarding legislative updates. These updates included important information about State nomination updates.as following: 

  1. ACT Skilled migration nomination invitation round 

ACT held a skilled migration nomination invitation round on 19 September 2024.

 During this round, a total of 68 nominations were issued for the Subclass 190 visa, and 62 nominations were issued for the Subclass 491 visa. Below is a detailed breakdown of the invitations provided:

Canberra residents
Matrix nominating Small Business Owners 
Matrix submissions for Small Business Owners were not considered in this invitation round.

Matrix nominating 457 / 482 visa holders

190 nominations: 12 invitations
491 nominations: 1 invitation

Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations
190 nominations: 43 invitations
491 nominations: 29 invitations

Overseas applicants
Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations
190 nominations: 13 invitations
491 nominations: 32 invitations

The next invitation round will be held before 8 November 2024. 

  • Tasmania skilled migration nomination invitation round:

An update from The Tasmanian skilled migration webpage on 26 September 2024 included important details about the requirements and processes for Sc 190 and Sc 491 skilled migration nominations, applications, and Registrations of Interest (ROI) as follow:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa:
Nominations – 360 of 2100 places used
Nomination applications lodged but not decided – 211
Invitations to apply for nomination issued but not yet accepted – 100
Registrations of interest on hand – 402

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:
Nominations – 104 of 760 places used
Nomination applications lodged but not decided – 81
Invitations to apply for nomination issued but not yet accepted – 45
Registrations of interest on hand – 386

September 20, 2024

Australia Unveils New International Student Profiles for 2025

Australian higher education providers have released updated international student profiles for 2025, outlining key attributes and academic backgrounds of prospective students. These profiles aim to help institutions attract a diverse global student body and strengthen Australia’s position as a top education destination.

For further details, a full proposal is available as a downloadable PDF.

August 31, 2024
August 31, 2024

Invitation rounds​​​​​​​​​ outcomes


Invitation rounds will be run periodically during the program year for:

  • Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) – Family Sponsored.

In each round, invitation numbers may vary depending on the number of onhand applications.

State or territory government nominations for skilled visas will not be affected by the departmental invitation rounds.

For results of previous SkillSelect invitation rounds, see Previous rounds.

Occupation ceilings

Occupation ceilings do not apply to these visa subclasses:

  • Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) – State and Territory Nominated

Invitation process

The highest ranked EOI, by points score, will be invited to apply for their visa before an EOI with a lower points score.

For EOIs who have equal points scores, we will determine the time and date at which the EOI reached its score for that subclass. We call this a ‘tie break’ or the ‘date of effect’. The EOI with an earlier date of effect will be invited before EOIs with a later date of effect.

Current round

Invitations issued on 13 June 2024

The table below shows the number of EOIs invited, and the tie break month and year, for the SkillSelect invitation round on 13 June 2024.

Visa subclassTotal EOIs InvitedTie break date – month and year
Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)5,29205/2024
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) – Family Sponsored0N/A

Invitations issued by occupation and minimum score invited

Occupation*Subclass 189*
Minimum scored
Accountant (General)100
Aeronautical Engineer95
Agricultural Consultant95
Agricultural Engineer95
Agricultural Scientist95
Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber65
Analyst Programmer95
Biomedical Engineer95
Carpenter and Joiner65
Chemical Engineer95
Child Care Centre Manager85
Civil Engineer90
Civil Engineering Draftsperson85
Civil Engineering Technician85
Clinical Psychologist85
Computer Network and Systems Engineer100
Construction Project Manager85
Dancer or Choreographer95
Developer Programmer100
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist85
Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher85
Electrical Engineer90
Electrician (General)65
Electrician (Special Class)70
Electronics Engineer95
Emergency Medicine Specialist85
Engineering Manager95
Engineering Professionals nec)95
Engineering Technologist95
Environmental Consultant95
Environmental Engineer95
Environmental Research Scientist95
External Auditor95
Fibrous Plasterer65
Food Technologist95
General Practitioner85
Geotechnical Engineer85
ICT Business Analyst100
ICT Security Specialist100
Industrial Engineer95
Internal Auditor95
Land Economist95
Landscape Architect85
Life Scientist (General)95
Life Scientists nec95
Lift Mechanic65
Management Accountant100
Management Consultant95
Marine Biologist95
Materials Engineer95
Mechanical Engineer90
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer85
Medical Laboratory Scientist85
Medical Practitioners nec85
Metal Fabricator85
Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum)95
Motor Mechanic (General)95
Multimedia Specialist95
Naval Architect100
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist85
Occupational Therapist85
Other Spatial Scientist95
Painting Trades Worker65
Petroleum Engineer95
Plumber (General)65
Production or Plant Engineer90
Psychologists nec85
Quantity Surveyor85
Registered Nurse (Aged Care)85
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health)85
Registered Nurse (Community Health)90
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)85
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)85
Registered Nurse (Medical)85
Registered Nurse (Mental Health)85
Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)85
Registered Nurse (Perioperative)85
Registered Nurse (Surgical)85
Registered Nurses nec85
Roof Plumber65
Secondary School Teacher85
Sheetmetal Trades Worker85
Social Worker85
Software and Applications Programmers nec95
Software Engineer100
Solid Plasterer65
Special Needs Teacher85
Specialist Physician (General Medicine)85
Speech Pathologist85
Structural Engineer85
Systems Analyst100
Taxation Accountant95
Telecommunications Engineer95
Telecommunications Field Engineer100
Telecommunications Network Engineer95
Telecommunications Network Planner90
Transport Engineer85
University Lecturer95
Wall and Floor Tiler65
Welder (First Class)85
* Results could indicate that no EOIs were available to be invited, or EOIs were available but did not meet parameters to receive an invitation.
Note – ‘nec’ means ‘not elsewhere classified’.

Total invitations issued during 2023-24 program year

Visa subclassJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun
Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)000008,300000005,292
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) – Family Sponsored0000079000000
The above figures do not include invitations issued for state and territory government-nominated visa subclasses. State and territory governments nominate throughout the month for specific visas.

State and Territory nominations

2024-25 program year

The number of EOIs that have received nominations from state and territory governments from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Visa subclassACTNSWNTQldSATasVicWA
Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) 37149<5<597<518
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) State and Territory Nominated 23109<5<57<5<5

Source: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skillselect/invitation-rounds

August 30, 2024

The Australian Government has announced that a National Planning Level will apply to the international education and training sector from 2025.

On 27 August 2024, the Australian Government announced that a National Planning Level (NPL) will put limits on the growth of international student programs each year. For 2025, new student commencement numbers for Australia’s universities will be set at around 2023 levels.  

Why has an NPL been put in place?

Australia remains a top study destination globally and there have been large increases in the number of students choosing to study in Australia in recent years.  

A new NPL will help Australia’s education and training providers to manage this growth. It will also help to ensure that providers can continue to deliver high-quality programs, offer comprehensive student support services and best prepare their students for future employment in their chosen career. 

What are the numbers? 

National Planning Level limits will apply from 1 January 2025, with a total of 270,000 new international student commencements for the 2025 calendar year. This does not include enrolments or offers. It is the actual number of international students starting a course. If a student starts a second course at the same provider, also in calendar year 2025, it will not be counted under that year’s planning limit.  

From 1 January 2025, new commencements will be divided between Higher Education and VET:

  • Public universities will have a total of around 145,000 commencements.
  • Private universities and NUHEPs will have around 30,000.
  • VET providers will have around 95,000.

This means that most public universities in Australia will be able to enrol more new international students in 2025 than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic. Some universities will even welcome more new students in 2025 than in 2024.

Who is not affected? 

Current international students will not be affected by these changes.

Other student cohorts that will not be affected by the NPL also include: 

  • International students enrolled at an Australian provider or partner provider campus around the world, studying an Australian transnational education (TNE) or twinning program
  • School students
  • Higher degree by research students
  • ‘Standalone’ ELICOS students
  • Non-award, including Study Abroad and Exchange students
  • Australian Government sponsored (and partner sponsored) scholars
  • Students from the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

What protections are there for students?

Australia offers a wide range of student support services and protections. A range of recent policy changes were made before the announcement of the NPL. These changes have further strengthened student protections. This means that education and training providers must meet even stricter requirements before offering courses to international students.

Australia values and welcomes international students

International students from all over the world are welcomed and valued in Australia. International students bring new ideas and skills to our society, diverse perspectives to our classrooms and communities, and sought-after talent to Australia’s workforce.

Australia’s global campus offering will continue to include options for studying on campus at locations across Australiaonline programstransnational pathway and twinning programs, and Australian and partner provider campuses around the world.  

Source: www.studyaustralia.gov.au

August 30, 2024

There are many benefits to studying in a smaller student city in Australia. One advantage can be a cheaper cost of living compared to larger cities.

There are incredible benefits to studying in smaller student cities in Australia (also known as regional cities or centres). But it’s not just the relaxed lifestyle, unique environments and friendly communities in smaller cities that attract many international students each year. There are also some financial advantages. 

If you’re thinking of studying in Australia, here’s a guide to help you understand how much your everyday life might cost if you choose a smaller city. 

What are the smaller cities of Australia? 

n general terms, smaller cities and major towns are those located outside of Australia’s major cities (Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane). 

The map below shows all the places across Australia where you can study:  

The Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs have created categories for the cities of Australia. This serves as a guide for the different incentives that are offered for studying in smaller cities and regional centres. For example, one of these incentives is additional post study work rights. 

Cost of living

Some smaller student cities will have a similar cost of living to the major cities. But most do have more affordable rental accommodation, transport and entertainment options.  

The cost of groceries won’t change too much from city to city across Australia, especially if you shop at one of the major supermarkets that operates nationally. However, you can usually find local markets with cheaper fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products. 

How to research the cost of living in smaller cities

It’s very important to understand how much it costs to live in Australia so that you can plan to have enough money while you study.  

1. Get an estimate of your salary 

Start by working out how much money you could earn by working while you study, in line with your student visa conditions. Here are some ways to get an estimate of your potential earnings:  

  • Go to a job search site such as SEEK.com and look at part-time and casual jobs that you could do when studying. Some ads will offer a salary guide.
  • Find out what the minimum wage is in Australia.

There are some important things to keep in mind:  

  • It might take you some time to find a job.  
  • You might not make as much money as you expected. 
  • You can only work up to 48 hours in a fortnight during study terms and semesters (unlimited during study breaks). 

That’s why it’s important to come to Australia with some savings.  

2. Use the Cost of Living Calculator

You can get an estimate of the cost of living in the major regional cities (Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin and Hobart) using our Cost of living calculator. The major cities (Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney) are also included in this tool so you can compare costs with some of the smaller student cities.

3. Chat to international students in Australia

Chat to student ambassadors on our site and ask them directly about cost of living.

4. Work out your weekly grocery costs

Check out the websites for major grocery stores in Australia such as Coles, Aldi and Woolworths to get an idea of how much your weekly groceries would cost. 

5. Compare accommodation costs 

When choosing where to study, accommodation is one of the most important considerations. The good news is that smaller student cities often have a wider variety of housing options and less competition for rental accommodation. 

To get an idea of accommodation costs: 

Search for courses in smaller cities 

Start your education journey to Australia today. Use our Course Search tool to look at courses in the smaller cities. You can also use our university list as a guide. 

We hope to see you in Australia soon! 

Source: studyaustralia.gov.au

August 28, 2024

In 15 August 2024, South Australia announced the state nominated skilled migration program for 2024-2025.

There are 464 occupations are available for the onshore streams and 427 occupations are open for the offshore stream. With onshore stream, there are 3 sub-streams for the applicants who meet requirements can submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) through one of the following streams:

  1. Skilled Employment in South Australia stream – for applicants who have shown commitment to South Australia and have South Australian work experience in their skilled occupation. 
  2.  South Australian Graduates stream – for applicant have graduated and work in SA in their skilled occupation. 
  3. Outer Regional Skilled Employment stream – for skilled migrants who are currently living and working in an outer regional area of South Australia in their nominated occupation may be eligible for state nomination through the Outer Regional Skilled Employment stream.

The general eligible under those streams are:

  • Have an active EOI on Department of Home Affairs’ SkillSelect system 
  • Currently live and work in South Australia 
  • The applicant’s nominated occupation is eligible under the eligible stream on South Australia’s Skilled Occupation List 
  • Be under 45 years of age at time of state nomination is approved 
  • Have a valid and positive skills assessment
  • Have at least Competent English (IELTS 6.0 or equivalent)
  • Score at least 65 points in the Department of Home Affairs’ points test (including state nomination points) 

Apart from those general requirement, each streams has it own requirement as following:

Skilled Employment in South Australia stream: The applicant have been residing and working in South Australia for at least the last 12 months, in a full-time (at least 30 hours per week) job.

Australian Graduates stream:

  • The applicant have completed their qualification at a South Australian education provider
  • Have resided in South Australia for at least one year during their studies 
  • Have been residing and working in South Australia for at least the last 6 months in a full-time job (at least 30 hours per week).

Outer Regional Skilled Employment stream: The applicant ave been living and working in Outer Regional SA for the last 9 months, and be currently employed, in a full-time job (at least 30 hours per week).

For the prospective skill migrants currently residing offshore and would like to apply for the Offshore stream, South Australia will be assessing candidates on merit by the following factors:

  • English language ability
  • Skilled employment years (at least 3 to 5 years) and field of skilled employment
  • EOI points

Quota for visa 190/491 for South Australia are 3.800 slots

• Visa 190: 3.000 slots

• Visa 491: 800 slots

August 28, 2024

Victoria’s 2024-25 skilled visa nomination program (subclass 190 and subclass 491) is opened from 14 August 2024.

The Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs has allocated 5,000 skilled visa nomination places to Victoria for the 2024-25 program.

Victoria’s allocation consists of:

  • Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) – 3,000 places
  • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) – 2,000 places

There are some changes in the 2024-25 FY:

  1. Submitting a Registration of Interest (ROI):
  2. To be invited to apply for Victorian skilled visa nomination, applicant must firstly make or update an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the Australian Government’s SkillSelect and then submit ROI.
  3. All Registrations of Interest submitted in previous years have expired. The applicant must submit a new ROI
  4.   Employment requirement

For visa 190, there is no minimum work experience and hours of work requirement. If the applicant is living in Victoria and not working, working in non-skilled employment, or working for an employer not physically located in Victoria, they are still eligible to apply for nomination, but they are not eligible to claim earnings in their ROI. If they are living overseas, they are not required to claim earnings in their ROI.

For visa 491, if the applicant is living in Victoria, they must provide an estimate of their annual earnings in their ROI. If they are not working, working in non-skilled employment, or working for an employer who is not physically located in regional Victoria, they are not eligible to apply for nomination. If they are living overseas, they are not required to claim earnings in their ROI.