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Tag Archives: Student

January 3, 2025


Capital: Islamabad

Population: More than 250 million (2024)

Youth population: Two-thirds of the population is under 30

Median age: 20.5

GDP: US$375 billion (2024)

Currency: Pakistan rupee (PKR)

Official languages: English and Urdu

Main language of instruction: English (especially in private schools) and Urdu (especially in public schools).

English proficiency: “Low” according to the EF Proficiency Index, and 10th of 23 countries in Asia.

Religion: Islam

Geography: Pakistan is in South Asia. It shares borders with Iran to the west, Afghanistan to the northwest and north, China to the northeast, and India to the east and southeast.

Outbound students: Over 100,000

Preferred destinations: UK, China, UAE, Australia, US, Malaysia

Top student cities: Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Peshawar

Pakistan is becoming an increasingly valuable recruiting ground for educators in leading destinations. A large segment of high-school and college-aged Pakistani students are interested in study abroad, and nearly half of Pakistan’s population is under the age of 20.

Market fundamentals

The market fundamentals are in some ways very strong. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Pakistan’s youth demographic is the largest in the world. Nearly two-thirds of the population is under the age of 30.

Pakistan is third, after only China and India, in terms of the size of its college-aged population. The British Council expects growth in Pakistani outbound mobility to be among highest in the world over the next decade, along with China, India, Nigeria, and Bangladesh.

Unfortunately, Pakistan is also a country where there is massive income inequality and limited opportunities for youth. The Commonwealth’s Youth Development Index for 2023 found that in South Asia, Pakistan is one of two countries that ranks “low.” WENR has written:

“Failure to integrate the country’s legions of youngsters into the education system and the labour market could turn population growth into what the Washington Post called a ‘disaster in the making … putting catastrophic pressures on water and sanitation systems, swamping health and education services, and leaving tens of millions of people jobless’—trends that would almost inevitably lead to the further destabilisation of Pakistan’s already fragile political system.”

Pakistan’s gross tertiary enrolment (GER) ratio was only 13% in 2023, according to UNESCO. This is much lower than in India, and lower than in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as well. Of 109 countries UNESCO profiled in 2021, Pakistan’s tertiary GER was 100th. Given Pakistan’s huge college-aged population, there is serious unmet demand for higher education.

There are currently 4.5 million Pakistani students in secondary education (grades 9–10), and 2.5 million in upper-secondary education (grades 11–12). More than 25 million children aged 5–16 are “out-of-school” (36% of the cohort’s total population, a proportion similar to that in Nigeria).

Far more girls than boys do not complete school for a range of factors, including poverty and traditional views about the role of women. The literacy rate is 68% for adult men and 46% for adult women.

Regional disparities and opportunities

A Pakistani student’s access to education depends greatly on their household income, gender, and region. Just over a third (36%) of the population lives in cities, where there is more wealth and literacy, and where more schools are considered “functional.” In the poorest areas, many schools lack running water, plumbing, and electricity.

In an excellent report published in 2024 focused on regional opportunities in Pakistan, the British Council considers that, at the city level:

“Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad will continue to provide the bulk of outbound students simply because of their population size. Second-tier cities, however, are proliferating. Faisalabad is large and fast-growing. Peshawar has begun to emerge as the next major city for outbound students….

Second-tier smaller cities are also seeing strong growth in demand for study abroad, especially in the Punjab (Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat, Multan). Their economic growth lies in their connection to the bigger metropolitan areas, with a four or five-hour drive seen as an acceptable connection time. Important and growing industries in these second-tier cities mean that families have money to pay for education. Hence, industry growth has been matched by rapidly growing education provision. Large private school networks are also spreading out from the major cities to the smaller ones. These feed students directly into higher education.”

Further, students prefer certain destinations depending on where they live in the country:

  • “Punjab, the largest and most populated region in Pakistan, is the largest contributor to student mobility to the UK. The UK has consistently been the top study destination, mainly through strong family connections with many fourth-generation families having well-established businesses in UK cities. Many political and business leaders of Pakistan from the region have also studied in the UK.
  • In Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, students mainly choose between the UK, North America and Australia. Often, the UK is not the top destination choice.
  • Pakistan’s south region has the smallest population and includes Karachi and a few smaller cities. Students from this region mainly choose the US as a study destination.”

Outbound mobility trends

Leading destinations are all recording significant increases in Pakistani enrolments, and demand is especially high for postgraduate studies. Successive governments of Pakistan have slashed educational budgets, and one implication has been the closure of many graduate programmes, which is driving outbound mobility at this level.

Recent data on which destinations are hosting the most Pakistani students include:

  • UK: 34,690 in 2022/23 (+50% y-o-y)
  • China: 28,000 before the pandemic
  • UAE: 24,865 in 2020 according to UNESCO
  • Australia: 23,380 in 2023 (+49%)
  • US: 10,165 in 2022/23 (+16%)
  • Germany: 8,210 in 2022/23 (+22%)
  • Kyrgyzstan: 6,000 in 2020 according to UNESCO
  • Malaysia: 5,000 in 2023
  • Canada: 4,750 in 2023 (+101%)
  • Turkey: 2,385 in 2020 according to UNESCO
  • Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sweden, Qatar: At least 4,000 in 2020 according to UNESCO

Malaysian institutions are currently recruiting intensively in Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia has been increasing its scholarships for Pakistani students.

Meanwhile, educators in Canada, the US, and UK understand that while Chinese and Indian demand for study abroad remains high, it can be easily disrupted by immigration policies and geopolitics. It is worth noting that:

  • ApplyBoard found that January to June 2024, Pakistani student demand for the UK grew by over 30% compared to the same period in 2023.
  • Studyportals found that Pakistan was second only to India in terms of growth in demand for study abroad between 2022 and 2024 and that its share of enrolments, among the top-five student sending markets, is trending upward.
Trend in share of total enrolments for the top five origin countries, 2019–2023. Pakistan and India are trending upward in terms of enrolments abroad. Source: Studyportals

Transnational education

Thousands of Pakistanis are currently pursuing foreign degrees online, and they may soon be able to study for these degrees in-person in Pakistan. Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission (HEC) launched a revised transnational education policy in September 2024 that opens the door for foreign branch campuses. According to Times Higher Education:

“Under the policy, foreign institutions can offer degree programmes in Pakistan if they are among the 700 top-ranked universities in the world. There are also specific requirements around local contexts, with institutions required to ‘strictly comply with and respect the constitutional provisions, local laws, and the ideology of Pakistan.’”

The British Council reports that “HESA data show that 11,715 students in Pakistan are taking UK qualifications through transnational education, with most choosing distance and online models.”

Middle-class pressures

After slowing in 2023 (following devastating floods in 2022), the Pakistani economy has recovered somewhat, and the Pakistani rupee has stabilised a bit relative to the US dollar. The agricultural sector was the main reason for growth, up 6% in 2024 compared with overall GDP growth of 2.5%. But the situation remains difficult, as you can see in the following chart from KPMG comparing economic indicators in Pakistan and India in 2024 versus 2023.

Middle-class pressures

After slowing in 2023 (following devastating floods in 2022), the Pakistani economy has recovered somewhat, and the Pakistani rupee has stabilised a bit relative to the US dollar. The agricultural sector was the main reason for growth, up 6% in 2024 compared with overall GDP growth of 2.5%. But the situation remains difficult, as you can see in the following chart from KPMG comparing economic indicators in Pakistan and India in 2024 versus 2023.

Pakistan’s economy is more fragile than India’s. Source: KPMG

A 2017 estimate by Pakistani market research firm Aftab Associates put 40% of Pakistanis in the middle class, up substantially from previous years. But this proportion may be shrinking.

The middle class is shaky and dynamic due to a lack of internal structural stability in the economy. Pakistan is incredibly dependent on loans and other packages from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and allies such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and China. For the 24th time, the IMF approved a new loan in September 2024 in an “ongoing effort to strengthen macroeconomic stability, address deep structural challenges, and create conditions for a stronger, more inclusive, and resilient growth.”

In the meantime, Pakistanis are struggling due to persistently high inflation rates and currency fluctuations.

“The lower middle class has been really hit in the last few years,” Javaid Ghani, pro vice chancellor at Karachi’s Al Ghazali University, told the Wall Street Journal earlier this year. Many households “are struggling to hold on to the markers of a middle-class life as they are buffeted by higher food and energy prices.”

Pakistan’s independent newspaper, The Friday Times, featured an article in August 2024 that explained how current economic trends affect students aiming to study abroad:

“One of the primary challenges Pakistani students face in their quest to study abroad is financial affordability. Tuition fees, living expenses, and currency exchange rates often present insurmountable barriers for many Pakistani families because the value of the Pakistani Rupee has sunk to such depths that a single US dollar (August 7, 2024) costs around Rs278.5. Because of these circumstances, even the wealthiest people in Pakistan are forced to lead modest lives in developed countries. Managing spending becomes extremely challenging as the Pakistani currency’s value has diminished by more than 100%.”

When they undertake a cost analysis, Pakistani students find that overseas university tuition is surprisingly and excessively expensive. The ordinary Pakistani cannot afford the cost of international flights, rent, food, and transportation. In a developed foreign country, one can only purchase a cup of coffee with a monthly wage of Rs12,000 in Pakistan.”

As difficult as study abroad may be to afford, many families remain determined to secure a quality higher education for their children abroad, driven by a sense of hopelessness about opportunities in Pakistan. An Ipsos poll conducted in the summer of 2024 found that only 1 in 10 Pakistanis believe their country is headed in the right direction.

Muhammad Khan, a restaurant manager in the northern city of Rawalpindi who turns his fridge off in the day and works two jobs but who still cannot make ends meet, told the Wall Street Journal:

“The lower middle class, like us, is now just posing as white collar. Honestly, we are in the poor class now. Seeing the political situation, I have no hope.”

Private schools

Where there is hope, however, is in Pakistan’s thousands of private schools. These have ballooned from 3,000 in 1982 to 137,000+ in 2024. Almost half of Pakistani children attend private schools – many of them from lower-income households.

A fascinating study by researchers at Harvard explores what is behind the popularity of Pakistan’s for-profit, non-religious, fully autonomous private schools. It investigates why middle-class and poorer families are able to send their children to these schools, and finds:

“The key element in their rise is their low fees. They hire predominantly local, female, and moderately educated teachers who have limited alternative opportunities outside the village. Hiring these teachers at low cost allows the savings to be passed on to parents through low fees ….

At the time of writing, a typical private school in a village in Pakistan charged a fee of Rs. 1,000 per year (roughly $18). The countrywide data analyzed shows that fees are low for all the provinces in Pakistan, as well as within rural and urban regions within each province. The analysis shows that in rural areas, the median annual fee roughly translates to $1.50 a month, or less than—much less than a dime a day. Thus, these schools’ fees are affordable even for someone living at the dollar-a-day poverty line established as a global benchmark.”

The researchers also note that affordability does not mean lower quality:

“Despite lower levels of education and training, lower salaries in private schools do not imply lower educational quality. Because private schools are held accountable by parents, who may monitor teacher behavior and can withdraw their children if performance is poor, private schools have full incentives to hire the best available teachers who then exert high effort. Indeed, teacher absenteeism rates appear to be lower and student test scores higher in many private schools as compared to government schools.”

Government support for study abroad

The number of universities in Pakistan has been rising quickly, but quality is a major issue, as is government interference and underfunding. There are over 200 universities and 3,000 degree colleges (which are similar to community colleges) across the country.

To counter domestic higher education issues, the government supports study abroad, not least because personal remittances from Pakistanis abroad compose a significant portion of GDP (over 8% in 2022). The UN says. “The substantial share of remittances highlights the importance of the Pakistani migrant community abroad in the economic development and stability of the country.”

Key motivations for students

Pakistani students are first and foremost interested in accessing a high-quality foreign degree to enhance their career prospects. Affordability is a major concern – and so scholarships are much sought-after. Similarly, the ability to work during studies and post-study work opportunities can make the difference in decision-making about where to go.
Source: https://monitor.icef.com/2024/10/market-snapshot-international-student-recruitment-in-pakistan/

October 8, 2024

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand have announced that while they will continue to maintain comparability, each country will now introduce their own tailored occupational classifications. This move marks a shift from the joint Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) established in 2006.

What’s Changing?

Australia will introduce the new Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA), 2024, with the first version being released on 6 December 2024.

New Zealand will implement its tailored list starting 20 November 2024, designed to better reflect its modern labour market.

A Unified Approach with Individual Focus Australian Statistician Dr. David Gruen and New Zealand Government Statistician Mr. Mark Sowden have emphasised the importance of maintaining Trans-Tasman and international comparability while also adapting to each country’s evolving labour markets.

What This Means:

For Australia: The new classification will be tailored to the needs of the Australian labour market, ensuring that local changes are accurately represented while still supporting Trans-Tasman data comparisons.

For New Zealand: The new list will reflect the country’s unique labour market dynamics while maintaining crucial comparability with Australia.

The agencies will develop concordances to map between classifications, ensuring data continuity and consistent time-series analysis across both countries.

For more details, check out: https://www.abs.gov.au/about/consultation-and-conferences/updating-anzsco/about-osca

September 28, 2024

On 27 September 2024, the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) made an announcement regarding legislative updates. These updates included important information about State nomination updates.as following: 

  1. ACT Skilled migration nomination invitation round 

ACT held a skilled migration nomination invitation round on 19 September 2024.

 During this round, a total of 68 nominations were issued for the Subclass 190 visa, and 62 nominations were issued for the Subclass 491 visa. Below is a detailed breakdown of the invitations provided:

Canberra residents
Matrix nominating Small Business Owners 
Matrix submissions for Small Business Owners were not considered in this invitation round.

Matrix nominating 457 / 482 visa holders

190 nominations: 12 invitations
491 nominations: 1 invitation

Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations
190 nominations: 43 invitations
491 nominations: 29 invitations

Overseas applicants
Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations
190 nominations: 13 invitations
491 nominations: 32 invitations

The next invitation round will be held before 8 November 2024. 

  • Tasmania skilled migration nomination invitation round:

An update from The Tasmanian skilled migration webpage on 26 September 2024 included important details about the requirements and processes for Sc 190 and Sc 491 skilled migration nominations, applications, and Registrations of Interest (ROI) as follow:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa:
Nominations – 360 of 2100 places used
Nomination applications lodged but not decided – 211
Invitations to apply for nomination issued but not yet accepted – 100
Registrations of interest on hand – 402

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:
Nominations – 104 of 760 places used
Nomination applications lodged but not decided – 81
Invitations to apply for nomination issued but not yet accepted – 45
Registrations of interest on hand – 386

June 28, 2024


The Australian Government has introduced new amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994, impacting onshore student visa applications. The latest amendment, Migration (Specification of Categories of Visas that Preclude a Person from Lodging a Student Visa Application in Australia) Amendment Instrument (LIN 24/051) 2024, specifies additional categories of substantive temporary visas that prevent individuals from applying for a Student (Subclass 500) visa or a Student Guardian (Subclass 590) visa while in Australia. These changes take effect from July 1, 2024.

Overview of the Amendment

Under Item 1222(5)(c) of Schedule 1, LIN 24/051 amends the earlier IMMI 16/016 by adding six new visa subclasses to the list of those ineligible to apply for onshore student visas. This amendment aims to regulate the visa hopping phenomenon and ensure that the integrity of Australia’s visa system is maintained.

Impacted Visa Subclasses

The following six substantive temporary visa subclasses have been added to the list of those ineligible for onshore student visa applications:

  1. Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485)
  2. Electronic Travel Authority (Subclass 601)
  3. Medical Treatment (Subclass 602)
  4. eVisitor (Subclass 651)
  5. Maritime Crew (Subclass 988)
  6. Visitor (Subclass 600) – This includes the entire subclass, expanding the restriction from the previously specified Sponsored Family and Approved Destination Status streams.

Key Changes and Implications

  • Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) Visa Holders: Individuals on a Temporary Graduate visa will no longer be able to transition directly to a student visa while in Australia. They must now leave the country to apply for a new student visa.
  • Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) Holders: Previously, only the Sponsored Family and Approved Destination Status streams were restricted. Now, the entire subclass is included, meaning no visitor visa holders can apply for a student visa while in Australia.

Rationale Behind the Amendment

The amendments aim to curb the practice of visa hopping, where individuals exploit temporary visas to remain in Australia for extended periods by sequentially applying for different visas. This move is intended to strengthen the integrity of the Australian visa system and ensure that it serves its intended purpose.


The LIN 24/051 amendment introduces significant changes for those planning to apply for student visas while onshore in Australia. By including additional temporary visa subclasses in the list of those precluded from onshore applications, the Australian Government seeks to enhance the regulation of its visa system. Prospective students and guardians must now be more strategic in their visa planning and may need to make applications from outside Australia.

Key Dates

  • Commencement Date: July 1, 2024

For further information, individuals are encouraged to consult the full text of the LIN 24/051 amendment and seek professional advice if needed.

This new amendment highlights the importance of understanding and adhering to visa regulations when planning to study in Australia. Ensuring compliance will help maintain the integrity of the Australian immigration system and provide a fair process for all applicants.

June 28, 2024

New Rule Effective Immediately

Effective immediately, international students in Canada are no longer permitted to apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) at a Canadian border crossing. This announcement was made by Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller on 21 June 2024.

Closing a Loophole

The new regulation aims to close a loophole where students have been bypassing processing times for PGWP applications filed within Canada by accessing same-day immigration services at border crossings. This practice, known as “flagpoling,” has been a common method for students to expedite their work permit applications.

Impact on Border Resources

According to a statement from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), flagpoling consumes significant resources at the border, diverting officers from their primary enforcement duties, causing delays for travelers, and slowing down the movement of goods. From 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024, PGWP applicants accounted for about one-fifth of the foreign nationals attempting to flagpole.

Minister’s Statement

Minister Miller emphasized that while the contributions of international graduates to Canada’s labor market are valued, flagpoling is unnecessary. He stated, “The time and effort required to process applications from ‘flagpolers’ takes officers on both sides of the border away from their crucial role in protecting the safety, security, and prosperity of Canadians and Americans. This measure will help prevent this practice while maintaining the integrity of our immigration system.”

Study Permit Expiry and Work Permit Application

IRCC highlighted that in most cases, a study permit expires 90 days after the expected completion of an international student’s study program. Eligible students who apply online for a PGWP before their study permit expires can work full-time while waiting for approval on a work permit. They receive an automated letter to show employers, and the work permit is mailed directly to the student upon approval.

Reducing Same-Day Immigration Services

In conjunction with the ban on flagpoling for PGWP applicants, IRCC has reduced the availability of same-day immigration services at 12 ports of entry across Canada. This change aims to allow border services officers to efficiently process the large volume of travelers during peak periods and to focus on other key priorities, such as managing high-risk travelers and facilitating trade.

Enhancing the Online Application Process

To further support international graduates, IRCC is working to speed up processing times for PGWP applications filed within Canada. The online application process for foreign graduates is being simplified, and PGWP holders are allowed to start working for a new employer immediately, without waiting for a new PGWP application to be processed before making a job change.


The new rule banning PGWP applications at Canadian border crossings is designed to streamline immigration processes, reduce resource strain at borders, and maintain the integrity of Canada’s immigration system. International students are encouraged to apply online for their post-graduation work permits to ensure a smoother transition into the Canadian workforce.

June 26, 2024

If you intend to pursue your education in Australia, preparing for the student visa interview is crucial. The Australian Government has a rigorous selection process, and being ready for challenging questions can significantly increase your chances of success. In this guide, we outline frequently asked questions and provide advice on how to answer them effectively.

Purpose of Your Trip

What is the purpose of your trip to Australia?

Your answer should be concise and clear, outlining your intention to pursue a specific degree or study program in Australia.

Why did you choose Australia for education?

Explain your motivation for selecting Australia over other countries, highlighting factors such as world-class universities, a variety of courses, and promising career prospects after graduation.

Previous Visits and University Details

Have you been to Australia before?

Answer truthfully. If you have, mention the reason for your visit and the duration of your stay.

Which college or university are you going to in Australia?

Provide the name of the institution where you have been accepted. Make sure you pronounce the name correctly.

Where is your college or university located?

Demonstrate your awareness of your institution’s exact location and its surrounding area’s specialties.

Why did you choose college over university?

If you chose a college, explain why it was a better fit for your goals, such as offering a specific course you wanted.

Course and Career Plans

Can you briefly describe the university you’ve selected?

Highlight key features of the university and what attracted you to it.

Did you apply to any other colleges or universities?

Be honest about any other applications you made and the responses you received.

Why have you chosen this course?

Explain how the course aligns with your career goals and why it is essential for your future.

Do you intend to stay in Australia once your degree is over?

Justify your decision to return home after completing your course, demonstrating your commitment to your home country.

Tell me about your course.

Provide an overview of the course and its structure to show your interest and understanding.

What is the duration of your course?

State the correct duration, such as one or two years, depending on your course.

When does your course start and finish?

Be aware of the commencement and end dates of your course and answer honestly.

How much does the chosen course cost?

State the cost in Australian dollars (AUD) as shown on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

How are you going to pay for the course?

Answer carefully, emphasizing that your financial support comes from reliable sources and not part-time work.

Is this course available in your home country?

Explain why studying in Australia is a better option than in your home country.

Do you plan to continue studying in Australia after your course ends?

Be honest about your future plans, whether you intend to continue studying or return home.

Do you have any plans to get PR in Australia after completing your course?

State that your intention is to return home after your studies, as the student visa does not provide a direct path to permanent residency.

Personal and Family Details

How many colleges did you receive acceptance to?

Answer truthfully about the number of acceptances you received.

What do you plan to do during your semester break?

Share your plans openly, such as spending time with family in your home country.

Do you have any plans to work in Australia?

Indicate that your primary focus is your studies and that you do not plan to work in Australia.

Where did you graduate from before applying for a student visa in Australia?

Provide the name of your previous institution and your academic credentials.

Why did you change your course of study?

If applicable, explain the reasons for changing your field of study sincerely and clearly.

How many siblings do you have?

Provide details about your siblings, their residence, and occupation.

What do you know about the work limitations of an Australian student visa?

Demonstrate your awareness of the work restrictions, such as the 40 hours per fortnight limit during the semester.

Who is funding your studies and accommodation in Australia?

Give a verifiable response, mentioning the person or entity funding your education and stay.

Tell me about your sponsor’s annual income and occupation.

Provide accurate details about your sponsor’s income and occupation, aligning with your supporting documents.

How many individuals depend on your sponsor for financial support?

Show that your sponsor can support you financially without any issues.

Language Proficiency and Personal Commitments

Why is your IELTS or TOEFL score so low?

Answer honestly, providing your original exam transcript and explaining any efforts to improve.

Why should a student visa be granted to you?

State the benefits of studying in Australia and how your enrollment will contribute to the university.

What if your visa application is rejected?

Express your determination to reapply, highlighting the importance of studying in Australia for your future.

Do you own any property in your home country?

List your possessions, such as vehicles, houses, or businesses, to demonstrate your ties to your home country.

Is your partner coming with you or not?

Answer honestly about whether your partner will accompany you to Australia.

How would you handle financial difficulties during your stay in Australia?

Assure the case officer that your sponsor can cover any financial difficulties.

Do you pay any income tax?

Confirm that you are a responsible tax-paying citizen if applicable.

What is your most recent qualification?

State your latest educational qualification, whether it’s a high school diploma or a degree.

Have there been any gaps in your studies?

Explain any gaps in your education honestly, providing valid reasons.

What are your plans after returning back to your country?

Highlight how the course will help you achieve your career goals upon returning home.

By thoroughly preparing for these questions, you can approach your Australian student visa interview with confidence and clarity.

June 24, 2024

Starting from July 1, 2024, the Australian Government is set to introduce significant changes to visa conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608 as part of the New Migration Strategy. These changes aim to enhance labor productivity, prevent worker exploitation, and support the labor market mobility of temporary migrants. The adjustments will affect holders of Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457), Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482), and Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 494).

Key Changes to Visa Conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608

Extended Time Periods for Visa Holders

If visa holders of subclasses 457, 482, and 494 cease working with their sponsoring employer, they will now have more time to:

  • Find a new sponsor
  • Apply for a different visa
  • Arrange to depart Australia

New Time Limits

Visa holders will be allowed up to:

  • 180 days at a time, OR
  • A maximum of 365 days in total during the visa grant period.

What Visa Holders Can Do During This Time

During the extended time periods, visa holders are permitted to work for other employers, including those in occupations not listed in their most recent approved nomination for sponsorship. This change aims to help workers maintain their standard of living while they search for new sponsors.

Important Restrictions

  • Visa holders cannot work for another employer until they have finished working for their sponsoring employer unless they are exempt.
  • Visa holders must continue working in their nominated profession while employed by their sponsoring employer.
  • Visa holders are prohibited from engaging in any employment that conflicts with any licenses or registrations required for their chosen occupation, as well as any terms and conditions that apply to their visas.

Obligations for Sponsors

Sponsors must notify the Department of Home Affairs within 28 days of any changes, such as when a visa holder resigns or when sponsorship ends. For more detailed information, sponsors can visit the official website: Sponsorship Obligations for Standard Business Sponsors.

Implementation of the Changes

The changes in visa conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608 will apply to both existing 457, 482, and 494 visas and those issued on or after July 1, 2024. Any periods during which a visa holder stopped working with their sponsor before July 1, 2024, will not count towards the new time limits.

Are You a 457, 482, or 494 Visa Holder?

If you are a visa holder worried about these new changes, it is crucial to seek authentic and updated information regarding your visa conditions and obligations. Contact our team of experts and immigration lawyers at The Migration for customized solutions to your specific concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Visas are Affected by Changes in Visa Conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608?

The affected visas include:

  • Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 494)

How Much Time Will Visa Holders Have to Find a New Sponsor?

Visa holders of subclasses 457, 482, and 494 will be provided with:

  • 180 days at a time, OR
  • A maximum of 365 days in total during the visa grant period.

During this time, visa holders can work for other employers.

June 21, 2024

Fee increases for Federal Courts and Tribunals have been officially gazetted and will take effect from 1 July 2024. These adjustments will impact application fees for various reviews and filings, reflecting an upward revision from the previous fee structure. Below is a detailed breakdown of the new fees.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Fee Increases

From 1 July 2024, the application fees for reviews by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal will be as follows:

Type of ReviewNew FeePrevious FeeReduced Fee (50%)
Review of a migration decision under Part 5 of the Migration Act 1958$3,496$3,374$1,748
Review of a protection visa decision under Part 7 of the Migration Act 1958$2,151$2,076N/A

Note: The fee for a review of a protection visa decision is generally payable only if the application is unsuccessful.

Federal Circuit Court Fee Increases

The fees for filing an application with the Federal Circuit Court for a migration decision will also increase from 1 July 2024:

Type of ApplicationNew FeePrevious FeeReduced Fee
Full fee for filing an application$3,920$3,785N/A
Reduced fee under s 2.06A$1,960$1,890N/A

Accessing More Information

Members seeking further details on these fee increases are advised to consult the Government gazette. Additional information is available on the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) website and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia website.

These fee changes emphasize the necessity for applicants and practitioners to stay informed about the evolving costs associated with legal processes in Federal Courts and Tribunals.

June 17, 2024

Yes, you can bring your family to Australia on a student visa. You can add your family members and dependents while submitting your application for a student visa in Australia. While submitting your initial application for a student visa, you can include your family in your application, or you can wait until your course starts before inviting them to join you.

Even if you don’t intend to travel to Australia with your immediate family, you should list them on your visa application. Your family members won’t be able to travel to Australia with you later if you don’t declare them in your visa application.

Who Can You Add to Your Student Visa Application?

You can add your immediate family members to your student visa application, including:

  • Your spouse or de facto partner.
  • Your dependent children under 18 years of age.
  • Your partner’s dependent children under 18 years of age.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Bringing Family Members on a Student Visa?

As an international student, you must fulfill the following eligibility requirements to bring your family members on a student visa:

  • Relationship Evidence: Submit evidence of your relation with your dependant family members. This can include identity documents such as birth and marriage certificates.
  • Financial Requirements: You must be financially stable enough to support your family during their stay in Australia. Submit evidence of financial stability in the form of bank statements.
  • Health and Character Requirements: Your family members will also have to show proof that they fulfill certain character and health requirements. For this purpose, they need to provide evidence of medical exams and police clearance documents.

Bringing Your Partner on a Student Visa

You can add your spouse or de facto partner to your student visa application as a secondary applicant. For this purpose, you must submit evidence to support your relationship with your partner, including a marriage certificate and evidence of combined accommodation. Moreover, you and your partner must demonstrate that you are genuine temporary entrants.

Remember that your partner may have different work rights than you. In addition, you can also check the visa conditions and work rights by the visa grant letter or using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online system (VEVO).

Bringing Your Children on a Student Visa

You can bring your children to Australia if they are under 18 years of age while submitting a visa application. However, if they are 18 or above, they must apply for their own visa. In Australia, the cost of sending any dependent children to a public or private school falls on you. Australia’s school age is around five years old, while each state and territory may have a different start date.

There are child care centers on or close to the campuses of Australian educational institutions. Consider choosing a health care service that aligns with you and your child’s best interests.

Bringing Your Parent to Australia on a Student Visa

You can bring your parents to Australia with you if you are a student under the age of 18 so that they can offer support and care to you during your stay. But they must be:

  • A parent or family member who is at least 21 years old.
  • Financially independent enough to support both you and them while they’re visiting.
  • Capable of offering you housing, welfare, and more assistance.

For this purpose, your parents must apply for a Student Guardian visa. Keep in mind that your parents cannot work in Australia and must live with you during their stay. Moreover, they must be genuine temporary entrants.

Bringing Your Family at a Later Time on a Student Visa

Even if your family members do not intend to go to Australia right away, they must be listed on your student visa application. They won’t be able to accompany you to Australia on a student visa at any point if you don’t include them on your application.

How to Apply?

Your family member or members may later apply via ImmiAccount as a subsequent entrant, independent of your application. After submitting your application and before your visa application is decided, if someone becomes a member of your family, you need to notify the Department of Home Affairs of the change in your situation.


So by now, you’ve got the answer to your question “Can I bring my family to Australia on a student visa?”. You can add your immediate family members to your application for a student visa or you can also invite them after starting your course in Australia. However, if you have any questions or confusion, it is better to consult an immigration lawyer instead of trying on your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can my spouse work in Australia if they come on a student visa? Yes, your spouse can work in Australia, but their work rights may vary depending on your visa conditions and the course you are studying.
  2. What is the cost of bringing my family to Australia on a student visa? The cost includes visa application fees, school fees for children, and living expenses. It is essential to show financial capability to support your family.
  3. Can my children attend public schools in Australia? Yes, your children can attend public schools, but you will be responsible for their school fees.
  4. Can I bring my family to Australia after I have already started my course? Yes, you can invite your family members to join you after you have started your course, provided you included them in your initial visa application.
  5. What happens if I don’t include my family in my initial visa application? If you do not include your family members in your initial visa application, they will not be able to accompany you to Australia later on the same visa.
June 14, 2024


  • Zero initial course fee: No upfront payment required for course enrollment.
  • Same day processing: Offer letters and Confirmation of Enrollments (CoEs) issued on the same day.
  • Limited time offer: Valid until the end of June 2024.
  • Eligibility: Onshore temporary visa holders.


EMK Global Education and Migration is offering a unique opportunity for onshore temporary visa holders to apply for a new student visa with a $0 Confirmation of Enrollment (COE) deposit. This special offer aims to make it easier for temporary visa holders to continue their education in Australia without the burden of an initial course fee.

Zero Initial Course Fee

For a limited time, EMK Global Education and Migration is waiving the initial course fee for eligible applicants. This means that onshore temporary visa holders can enroll in a course without making any upfront payments, easing the financial burden and making it more accessible for those looking to further their education in Australia.

Same Day Processing

In addition to the zero initial course fee, EMK Global offers same-day processing for all offer letters and Confirmation of Enrollments (CoEs). This expedited service ensures that applicants receive their necessary documentation promptly, allowing them to proceed with their student visa applications without delay.

Eligibility and Terms

This offer is available exclusively to onshore temporary visa holders. It is designed to provide a smooth transition for those looking to continue their studies in Australia. However, it is important to note that terms and conditions apply. Interested applicants should contact EMK Global Education and Migration to understand the specific requirements and ensure they meet the eligibility criteria.

Limited Time Offer

This special promotion is valid until the end of June 2024. Onshore temporary visa holders are encouraged to take advantage of this offer before it expires. By doing so, they can secure their place in an educational institution without the need for an initial course fee, and benefit from the convenience of same-day processing for their offer letters and CoEs.


EMK Global Education and Migration’s offer of a $0 COE deposit and same-day processing for onshore temporary visa holders presents a valuable opportunity for those looking to continue their education in Australia. With no initial course fee required and expedited documentation, this limited-time offer provides significant financial relief and convenience. Eligible individuals are encouraged to act quickly and contact EMK Global to take advantage of this promotion before the end of June 2024.

June 14, 2024


  • Two temporary visa pathways closed: Visitor Visa holders and Temporary Graduate Visa holders can no longer apply for Student Visas from within Australia as of 1 July 2024.
  • Visitor to Student Visa transition: Over 36,000 applications were lodged between 1 July 2023 and May 2024, leading to the policy change.
  • Graduate Visa holders: A significant percentage returned to further study to extend their stay, prompting the reform.
  • Government’s intent: To reduce net overseas migration and ensure a more strategic migration system.


In a significant policy shift, the Australian government has announced new measures to close two temporary visa pathways. Effective from 1 July 2024, Visitor Visa holders and Temporary Graduate Visa holders will no longer be able to apply for Student Visas from within Australia. This move is part of a broader package of migration reforms aimed at tightening visa regulations and maintaining the integrity of Australia’s immigration system.

Visitor Visa to Student Visa Pathway Closed

From 1 July 2024, individuals holding Visitor Visas will be prohibited from transitioning to Student Visas while in Australia. This decision follows a notable increase in such applications, with over 36,000 submitted from 1 July 2023 to the end of May 2024. The Department of Home Affairs highlighted that this pathway had become a prevalent method for individuals to bypass standard immigration procedures.

Temporary Graduate Visa to Student Visa Pathway Closed

Similarly, Temporary Graduate Visa holders will no longer be eligible to apply for Student Visas onshore starting 1 July 2024. This measure addresses concerns raised in an October 2023 report by the Grattan Institute, which found that many Temporary Graduate Visa holders pursued further study to extend their stay. The report revealed that less than one-third of these visa holders transition to permanent residency upon visa expiry, compared to two-thirds in 2014. Instead, many opt for cheaper vocational courses to prolong their stay, creating a “visa limbo.”

Government’s Strategic Intent

The Australian government aims to direct graduates towards securing skilled jobs and either transitioning to permanent residency or leaving the country. This is part of a larger strategy to reduce net overseas migration and ensure a more planned and strategic approach to migration. Minister for Home Affairs Clare O’Neil stated, “Our goal is to build a smaller, better planned, more strategic migration system that works for Australia. Our Migration Strategy outlines a clear plan to close the loopholes in international education and this is the next step in delivering that plan.”

Implications and Reactions

The new measures will significantly impact international students and graduates currently in Australia or planning to study there. Educational institutions and businesses reliant on international talent may need to adjust their strategies to comply with the new regulations. While some stakeholders in the education sector express concerns about potential decreases in international student enrollment, proponents argue that the reforms will help maintain the integrity of Australia’s migration system and ensure that those who stay contribute meaningfully to the economy.


As Australia continues to refine its migration policies, these changes mark a pivotal shift towards a more controlled and strategic approach to managing international education and migration. The closure of these visa pathways is a critical step in the government’s effort to build a more sustainable and integrity-focused migration system.

June 11, 2024

Great news for aspiring migrants aiming to build their careers in Australia! Starting June 12, VETASSESS will reopen applications for skill assessments in the occupations of Chef and Fitter. This is a significant update following the pause on new applications for these roles since September 2023.

What You Need to Know

Why the Pause?

VETASSESS, a prominent skills assessment authority, had temporarily halted new applications for Chefs and Fitters to ensure their processes remained efficient and up-to-date. This pause allowed them to refine their assessment methods and ensure that they meet the highest standards required for Australian migration.

What’s Changing on June 12?

The reopening of these skill assessments means that aspiring Chefs and Fitters can now start their application process. This is a crucial step for those looking to migrate to Australia, as a positive skill assessment is often a prerequisite for visa applications.

Why Migrate as a Chef or Fitter?

High Demand Occupations: Australia has a growing demand for skilled professionals in the culinary and mechanical trades. Chefs and Fitters are highly sought after in various sectors, from hospitality to manufacturing, making these professions attractive for potential migrants.

Career Opportunities: Migrating as a Chef or Fitter opens doors to numerous career opportunities across Australia’s vibrant cities and regions. These roles not only offer competitive salaries but also provide a pathway to long-term residency and career advancement in a supportive and dynamic environment.

How EMK Global Education and Migration Can Help

Navigating the migration process can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. EMK Global Education and Migration offers comprehensive support to ensure your skill assessment and migration journey is smooth and successful.

Our Services Include:

  1. Expert Guidance: Our experienced consultants will guide you through every step of the VETASSESS skill assessment process, ensuring you meet all requirements and submit a strong application.
  2. Document Preparation: We’ll assist in gathering and organizing your documents, making sure everything is in order before submission to VETASSESS.
  3. Application Management: From initial consultation to the final submission, we manage your application to avoid any errors or delays.
  4. Follow-up Support: Post-submission, we continue to support you, addressing any queries or additional requirements from VETASSESS.

Get Started Today!

If you’re dreaming of a new life in Australia as a Chef or Fitter, now is the time to act. With the reopening of skill assessments, your pathway to migration is clearer than ever.

Contact EMK Global Education and Migration today to start your skill assessment process. Our dedicated team is here to help you achieve your migration goals and embark on a successful career in Australia.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take the next step towards your Australian dream!