Hi, How Can We Help You?
  • Level 3, 58 Kitchener Pde, Bankstown Sydney NSW
  • contact@emkglobal.com.au
  • (+61) 487 026 666

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you choose EMK Global?

We are registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA Number: 2217759). In addition, we are Qualified Education Agent Counsellors accredited by PIER/ICEF. Our QEAC number is Q372 and ICEF accreditation number is #5464.

Our staff are trained and ready to assist you with your education and visa matters to Australia.

Besides, our offshore offices in Vietnam and Pakistan are experienced in handling admission to other countries such as the UK, Canada, USA, Singapore and many more.

Why should I use a registered migration agent?

Australia has a complex visa system with different visa options, totaling 140 subclasses. Although it is not compulsory to apply for an Australian visa through a registered migration agent, there are several benefits of engaging a registered migration agent.

  • Have up-to-date knowledge about Australia’s immigration law and procedures
  • Act in your legitimate interests and give you accurate advice through a Code of Conduct
  • Advise you on several potentially complex visa decisions
  • Determine your eligibility and select the best visa option for you
  • Keep you informed regarding your visa processing and outcome in a timely manner

What do people say about us?

Click here to see our success stories and read some of our testimonials from satisfied clients we have helped over the years.

What EMK Global can assist you?

We will undertake an in-depth assessment and provide you with advice on all your study or visa options, time frames, fees involved and address any areas of concern before starting your application.

Our highly experienced consultants will provide you with personalized checklists of the supporting evidence required for the specific study pathway or visa option

Our services do not stop with the submission of your application.  Our highly experienced consultants will continue to monitor your application and keep you informed of the updates.

Once your application has been processed, we will continue to support you.

What EMK Global CANNOT assist you?

  • We are not able to find you a job or a company that is willing to sponsor you as this is not our area of expertise.
  • Unfortunately, if we didn’t lodge your application, we are unable to comment on the status of it, nor are we able to expedite your visa application.
  • We don’t advise on other agencies’ advice. We will advise you based on the information and documents you provide to us.
  • We do not do protection visas.

Can we guarantee success of your visa application?


The Code of Conduct expressly prohibits a migration agent from offering a guarantee of success! If a migration agent has guaranteed success for your visa application that is a clear sign of the lack of professionalism of this agent.

Why is it risky to get advice from an unlawful operator?

There are rules about who can help you with immigration assistance. Make sure the person who is helping you is a registered migration agent, a legal practitioner or is on the list of people who are allowed to help you ​(an exempt person).​​​

If someone tells you they are a registered migration agent or legal practitioner but the agent is not on the OMARA Register or if they claim to be a legal practitioner but do not hold an Australian legal practicing certificate, you should not get immigration assistance from them. This includes education agents.

If someone who is not a registered migration agent or legal practitioner gives you immigration assistance, they might:

  • not know about migration law
  • give you incorrect advice
  • make false promises
  • try to take advantage of your situation
  • not handle your money the right way (some have taken large amounts of money from their clients)
  • not keep proper files
  • misplace your important documents (including your original documents)
  • not tell you if and when the Department grants or refuses your visa application

To report an unlawful operator, use the Border Watch Online Report on the Department’s website or call 1800 009 623 (in Australia).

Source: https://www.mara.gov.au/get-help-with-a-visa/helpers-not-registered

How can you engage our services?

If you intend to engage us for your immigration matter, you will first need to book an initial consultation with our registered migration agent to discuss the details of your case.

We need to confirm that your case is valid and formally agree to represent you. You will then sign the service agreement with us and start processing your application through us.

Our team will follow up with you regularly and keep you informed of the application progress and notify you of any updates or further request from the Department in a timely manner.

How can you book an initial consultation with us?

To arrange a consultation, you may contact us by filling out our online booking form or email us your queries at contact@emkglobal.com.au

After receiving your queries, we will contact you to book you for a consultation if required. We may require further documents and information about you to be able to provide you with an accurate assessment before scheduling a consultation.

Our first consultation comes at a modest charge of AUD $150 + GST. This initial fee will be deductible should you decide to engage us for your matter. The consultation usually lasts between 30-45 minutes, depending on the complexity of your case.

Can you engage our services if you are not in Australia?

Yes, you can. Our registered migration agent is based in Sydney, Australia, however, we have dealt with clients from all parts of the world.

It is best if you first book a consultation with us by filling out the online booking form or email us your queries at contact@emkglobal.com.au

How can I contact EMK Global Education and Migration team?

Our contact details can be found here: https://emkglobal.com.au/contact-us

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